How is a Basketball Tournament like an Insurance Claim?
With this year’s college basketball tournament narrowing the field to sixteen teams, many fans have already thrown out their brackets… as their colleagues gain bragging rights for their superior performance in the office pool. What does a public adjusting firm know about basketball tournaments? Well, other than having fun watching these tightly contested games, we also know that this tournament is an awful lot like our profession — featuring highly trained specialists who work hard to achieve the best possible outcome for their teams. How else is public insurance adjusting like the finals in college basketball? Here are our thoughts on the matter:
Most enjoy rooting for the underdog
When it comes to predicting the winners, it is wise to pick a certain amount of lower ranked teams to advance past the favorites. In property insurance claims, the policyholder may feel like David when dealing with Goliath insurance companies. When the insured adds a skilled public adjuster to their team, the odds for success are now back in their court.
Preparation yields more wins
Over the course of the tournament, we all know that the Cinderella story may arise at any time. The smaller school can beat the favored school or the favored team might do as predicted and win. Having an advocate on your side from the beginning of your claim to assist with the preparations of your damages is a wise move. When filing insurance claims, policyholders who bring public adjusters on board usually enjoy better results at the end in terms of obtaining optimal settlements.
Putting the wrong players out first can ruin the game
If coaches make a bad call and start by putting the wrong athletes out on the court, it can hurt their chances of gaining momentum and winning the game. When property loss occurs, many decisions are being made in the early stages of your claim. It’s important to know who’s who in the process. Do you have representation that is truly working with your best interest in mind? Is there a conflict if many of the individuals are working for you and the carrier? If home or business owners rely on the wrong players to handle their recovery, their claim may be mishandled making it more of a challenge to get your claim moving in the right direction.
Teamwork leads to results
If basketball teams want to win the tournament, they need the most talented players and coaches. Those in the game must know their role and play together with a common goal. A strong claim consulting team regularly works in concert with one another as well. If policyholders want to get everything they’re owed under their policies, then hiring a reputable public adjusting firm, and all of their expert resources, will ensure that their claim is heading to a successful recovery!
While we hope that everyone enjoys the excitement of March basketball, we also hope that they will make the right call when dealing with a property loss by hiring a public adjuster.