What Kind of Disasters Cause Major Damage in South Dakota?

If your business or home in South Dakota is hit with property damage, it is your responsibility to begin the insurance claims process and secure a proper settlement. Do you know where to start? Are you comfortable relying on the insurance company’s experts to get you every dollar you deserve?

Luckily, you have the right to hire an outside expert – a public adjuster – who specializes in property damage insurance claims in South Dakota. They level the playing field when negotiating with the insurance company. A public adjuster will manage your claim and negotiate a full settlement on your behalf.

Adjusters International/MBC is the premier provider of public adjusting services for policyholders across the state — in Sioux Falls, Spearfish, Rapid City, Mitchell, Custer, and elsewhere. No matter the type of disaster, our insurance claim management services can meet your needs and secure the settlement you deserve.

What type of property damage is common in South Dakota?

Adjusters International Commercial Fire Claim

Commercial Fire

Properties throughout the city are all vulnerable to fires that may start from faulty wiring, stray cigarettes, and trespassers.

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Adjusters International Storm Claim

Business Interruption

A disaster such as a fire or mining shaft collapse can cause an extended delay in operations and income loss, which our forensic accountants will calculate accurately for your claim.

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Hail on the Ground


Hail can puncture operational equipment, rooftops, and other parts of your property. The damage may be hidden to the naked eye but can lead to bigger problems down the line. For example, a crack in a rooftop can lead to water damage after the next rainfall — and how many rainfalls will it take to notice the increasing damage?

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Tornado Approaching a Residence


Tornado season in South Dakota typically peaks from May through July, with June experiencing the highest activity due to the state's summer heat. On average, South Dakota records 36 tornadoes annually. Property owners in South Dakota should take proactive measures to mitigate tornado-related risks. This includes reviewing insurance policies and connecting with a licensed public adjuster to ensure adequate coverage and assistance in the event of tornado damage.

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Burst Water Pipe

Water Damage

Water damage can cause significant destruction to homes and businesses in North Dakota, whether from heavy rains, flooding, burst pipes, or sewer backups. With the region's harsh winters, frozen and burst pipes are a major concern, while spring thaws and summer storms can lead to unexpected flooding. It's crucial to review your insurance policy to ensure you have the right coverage.

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Adjusters International Storm Claim

Winter Storm Damage

South Dakota has experienced severe winter storms in recent years. For instance, during 2019 North American blizzard, Wallace received up to 30 inches of snow, and winds gusted as high as 107 mph. Similarly, the 2019 North American blizzard brought heavy snowfall to the state, with Lead receiving up to 30 inches of snow. These events can cause power outages, freeze and burst pipes, and disrupt business operations.

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Flooded Residential Neighborhood


Flood insurance is usually separate from your commercial policy or homeowner’s insurance policy. It is wise to get a policy that covers the water damage that may impact your property during a flood.

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Why Should Property Owners in South Dakota Hire a Public Adjuster?

The insurance company will send a team to protect its financial exposure to your claim. This team includes an insurance adjuster to assess the damage and help provide a settlement offer. Knowing that the adjuster is acting in the interests of the insurance company, it is in your best interest to hire a licensed public adjuster to act as your advocate. A public adjuster will review your policy, accurately assess the damage, and prepare and present a claim that makes sure you receive the full benefits of your coverage.

Why Use a Licensed Public Adjuster From Adjusters International/MBC?

For decades, we have been helping Western Iowans and thousands of other policyholders in surrounding regions with major property damage insurance claims. We are fluent in this world and will streamline your recovery while you take time to focus on your business and family. Review our testimonials to discover more.

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